The streets or visiting a new place, must have been very pleasant. Moreover, the place was really beautiful. Well, this time you invite Expressions of Youth Voice trip to a lake, is reputedly the water can change the color. Yep, Telaga warna (Lake Colors).Telaga warna is a tourist attraction located in the tourist area of Dieng, District Kejajar Wonosobo. To go there, about a distance of about 26 km to the north of the City Wonosobo. Access road and climb up and down, making you have to be careful, ya fellow teens. Because, around the side of the road is a steep ravine. Well, for you are not using a private vehicle, do not worry. Because, also can use the bus department Wonosobo - Dieng Batur, to reach there. Between Colourful lake (Telaga Warna) and mirror lake, there is Semar
Cave with the depth of approximately 4 meters insight. It is used to
meditate, Beside this cave there are two other cave, know as Horse Cave
(Goa Jaran) and Water spring Cave (Goa Sumur).
Telaga Warna is famous for unique and spectacular beauty. Lake where the water can change color when exposed to sunlight. Such as green and yellow, similar to the color of the rainbow. This is because, the color of lake water has a high sulfur content. Well, for you who want to see the beautiful Telaga Warna, you only need to pay the entrance fee of Rp 6,000, - per person. Cheap, is not it.To enjoy the beauty of this lake is more obvious. You can climb to the top of the hill, walking uphill in the direction of one of the hills bordering the lake. Tanjakannya is not so steep. However, a narrow dirt road, and just enough to pass one person is also quite slippery.After reaching the top of the hill, you will find a scene that would make anyone spellbound. Down below, lies a beautiful lake surrounded by thick forest colors. Visible
Jelsa, lake water beautiful purple colored, with shades of green in the
middle, and pale green in the center of the lake, wow.Beside
it, a narrow meadow that separates the lake clarity is often called the
Lake of Pengilon or lake that can be used for reflection. From
a distance, looked line the hills of Mount Prau and Mount Pakuwaja
lined turning, as if forming a posse to protect these two beautiful lake
of anyone who wants to ruin it.Besides the lake, there are also three color lake area of this cave. Like, Semar Cave, Cave and Wells
Cave Jaran. Of the three caves, the only cave Jaran can be entered without a caretaker. However, to Caves and Cave Semar Well, you can not recklessly enter without a caretaker, you know. Due to preserve the sanctity of the cave. As well, we can find and the Batu Batu Belik Cundamanik Write.The myth says, there's no animal snake color wander around the lake area. However, for anyone who saw or met a snake in kawasanTelaga color, he had misgivings. He said, there will be a bad thing that will happen to him. Well, it is also scary. In addition, it is also advisable to keep the word said during his stay in this kawsan. because, this place is still very sacred.Myths and legends, is the trust of local communities. So, may believe it or not, really