#figure, #Politic Angelina Sondakh, from a Miss Indonesia to arrest corruption Patricia Angelina Sondakh Pingkan or call Angie (born in Australia, December 28, 1977, age 34 years) is a celebrity and politician Indonesia. He beca 12:26 AM Share
#figure, #Politic Jusuf kalla, quick decision makers Muhammad Jusuf Kalla is an Indonesian politician who was the 10th Vice President of Indonesia from 2004 to 2009 and Chairman of the Golkar Party duri 10:29 PM Share
#figure, #Politic The Journey of a Silvio Berlusconi Who is not familiar with the name of this one, Berlusconi, or who has the full name of Silvio Berlusconi. AC Milan fans must know very well this figur 10:56 PM Share
#figure, #Politic Remembering Gusdur, Support National Hero Indonesia Jujur lugu dan bijaksana (Honest innocent and wise) Mengerti apa yang terlintas dalam jiwa (Understand what comes to the soul), Rakyat Indonesia (The 12:15 AM Share