Bromo, Mount above the clouds

Mount Bromo is a tour of the mountain with an altitude of 2329 meters above sea level or (7641 feet). Surrounded by a sea area of ​​10 square kilometers of sand and smoke steaming crater makes a spectacular sight when the wee hours. In fact, many tourists call / dub Mount Bromo is a heaven (Mt above the clouds).

There are 4 lines to enter the area of Mount Bromo Travel, namely:

A. Probolinggo - Cemorolawang Village Village - Mount Bromo
2. Pasuruan - Wonokitri Village - Mount Bromo
3. Malang Regency - Ngadas Village - Mount Bromo
4. Lumajang - Village Burno - Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo is a place that is always crowded into a tourist destination, tourists both domestic and foreign tourists, because the mountain is a natural beauty is stunning, one of which is a vast sea of sand, the air is very fresh and cool. Air temperature at the top of Mount Bromo between 2 º C to 20 º C.
therefore recommended for those who are interested to explore exciting to Mount Bromo, a good idea to prepare a thick clothes / padded jackets, guard room / head cover, shal, Kaos hands, socks and shoes, an allergy medicine for cold medications (asthma medication and refuse wind).

Mount Bromo is an attractive tourist spot. From the summit of Mount Bromo visitors can see the crater has a diameter of ± 600 meters from Peak Penanjakan can see the beautiful sunrise (sunrise) and the expanse of ocean fog and the sea of ​​sand that surround Mount Bromo and Mount Batok.(


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